Boshra Salem
Deputy President of the International Relations Office of Alexandria University
Professor Boshra Salem is currently Deputy President of the International Relations Office of Alexandria University and Assistant to the President for International University Ranking , Alexandra University. She is an Emeritus Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences with former roles including: Former VP Postgraduate Studies and Research at Pharos University in Alexandria; Former-Chair, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Alexandria; and Former Director, International Relations office, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University.
She obtained her Ph.D. jointly from the Imperial College London, in 1989 in remote sensing and GIS applications in sustainable development of Egyptian deserts, and two post doctor studies in 1994 and 1996 from the University of London, UK and University of Maryland , USA in GIS applications to arid lands and Biodiversity electronic databases respectively.
On the international level she was elected in 2010 as the first woman Chairperson of the Man and the Biosphere programme (MAB), International Coordination Council (MAB-ICC), UNESCO . She joined the Woman in Science, Hall of Fame in 2013 for North Africa and the Middle East declared by the U.S. Embassy- Cairo.