Predictive retrosynthesis is an important tool when analyzing properties and synthetic planning of new organic compounds. As an example of the power of predictive retrosynthesis tools, we can look at agricultural scientists and their efforts to eradicate weed resistance. In the last two decades many weeds have evolved to develop resistance to existing herbicides. Weed resistance creates huge problems for farmers. Agricultural researchers realize they need to discover new compounds based on new modes of action. Scientists are actively investigating new targets and the chemical compounds modulating them. The situation is very similar to the field of pesticides research where there is also a growing concern about pesticide resistance. Methods used for herbicide development are great examples how modern day chemists in academia may utilize in-silico tools for their research.

In this webinar we investigate the natural products being cited for both herbicidal and pesticidal properties. We also look at the bioactivity information published for these new compounds. Finally, we explore how researchers can synthesize natural products using the predictive retrosynthesis tool.
Steven Dueball
Customer Consultant, Life Sciences
Steve Dueball studied chemistry and began using the hard copy of Beilstein, Gmelin and Chemical Abstracts in graduate school. During his years in graduate school, CAS Online was introduced and he began using online databases. Steve worked as an information professional for ten years specializing in patents. He became a trainer for CAS and after a short retirement was later recruited to work at Elsevier.
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