Join Nadège Krebs, PhD, Customer Consultant, Embase, Europe
Carlos Rodriguez del Rio, PhD, Product manager, Embase and learn more about:
• Standard literature searches:
• How to gather background information on guidelines or evidence-based-medicine for a disease or intended use.
• How to find clinical evidence data for a device in an intended use.
• How to compare devices for an intended use.
What if you cannot find literature because there is a gap ?
• The device is not mentioned, or the device’s existence is just assumed …ideas on how to quantitatively express a literature gap
Please keep in mind this webinar is not an explanation of the regulations, just a way of using tools to address an interpretation of the MDR guidelines.
At the end, you can request a short summary of a PICO search on your own device and we will send it to you.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022 · 4:00 p.m.
London (GMT +1:00)